Peer Response Post #7
For this post, I will be discussing Matt’s Blog Post 4.
I loved the mention of personal experiences with OER, and I agree that youtube can be an amazing place to learn just about any skill. While I’m not into computer science, I’ve used Youtube to learn other skills such as cooking, playing instruments, and I love the channel CrashCourse, where their belief is that educational content should be available to everyone for free, aligning perfectly with the philosophies of OER.
I think Matt’s discussion of global education trends changing in the direction of OER if very important. Its awesome that governments in many countries are onboard with these initiatives; however, I think there is stil more widespread work to be done. In many geographical locations, access to the internet can be difficult, and for some, there are economic challenges to accessing online resources, even if the resources themselves are free. Moreover, digital literacy is a large hurdle for many, which makes accessing OER difficult. I wonder how we can make the OER movement all the more ubiquitous and ensure that everyone has equal access, regardless of these barriers; because after all, the point of movements such as OER is educational equity.